Thursday, February 4, 2010

The evolution and soon to be absence of the internet

I'm in the computer lab typing this because the wi-fi has been out in my building for weeks now. Fortunately, I have access to internet despite that. It's funny how the internet has become such a necessary part of my life. I was introduced to the world of computers at a young age. My brother was an engineer by nature and my family was fortunate enough to be able to afford new electronics almost as soon as they came out. I went through almost every AOL upgrade and free demo cd available. I was in chat rooms talking to strangers before Chris Hansen knew how To Catch A Predator. In high school, I used internet sources to navigate my way through essays, and basic research. In College, I joined Facebook shortly after it started, and was in awe of my cousins wisdom of purchasing Google stock. I used internet sources for every research paper, and project. I even used it for papers where I was specifically told to avoid the internet. It's grown so vast and rapidly over the years and the progress that technology has made is amazing. I look forward to watching the future of the internet and technology as it grows and develops but hopefully not into some futuristic dystopian kind of way.

I've been thinking about this because very shortly I will be leaving my easy access to the internet behind. I will be living in a community where internet is not a priority to the majority of people who inhabit the community. Possibly more accurately, it's not an option to have in their homes. I find that for someone like myself who has so many questions the internet has been a crutch for me to be able to find answers to. I recently acquired an iPhone in order to ease the tension of being sans internet. However, it's no substitution for my computer. Also, I will not be able to catch the final season of Lost as it airs. I really enjoy that show, but at least I will be able to see it eventually.

Strangely, I'm looking forward to the challenge of not having access to the internet at all times*. I think it will be beneficial to me, to be without it. I have found that lately I have isolated myself more and more. I think it is crucial to unplug from the net and tap back into the world around me. There is so much sensory pleasures that I've missed out on due to the time I've spent indoors staring at a black lit screen.

I anticipate the challenge and possible metamorphosis that Mecca, Ca has to offer me. I'm excited about the things I will learn, and hyped about the people I will meet.

*I realize that I now have an iPhone but my network coverage isn't fantastic where I'm going. So, it's likely that I won't have my cell phone or internet to isolate myself on, in the 4 bedroom apartment that I'll be sharing with 9 other people.

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